What can we do?

Country risk analysis

Preliminary informative statistics

Research of public lotteries and international tenders

List and participation to worldwide major fairs and promotional summits


A successful start up is born out of a good idea, and grows with passion, boldness, determination and creativity. Nowadays though possessing all of these qualities is not enough if you don’t have a market audience to direct your efforts to Enthusiasm along with time and passion must confront with economic resources that are often limited and hard to find.

In today’s marketplace, the challenges to face new investments and business opportunitys are often limited to the guaranteed end-results.









Cluster SRL will support you to develop your idea, and will commit to transfer it into a real and successful start up by providing support on each and every phase of the project development process.

Cluster SRL is able to assist your business through all the necessary steps from the evaluation of the idea to the draft of the first business strategies to follow, to drafting a business plan to setting up a new co-marketing plan and the financing strategies to acquire the necessary funds to carry out all of the above.


The business that is willing to outsource some of its operations to other companies, must necessarily search for partners that are able to provide the following:

• Highly qualified and trained personnel which is able to integrate in the company and collaborate with its clients
• The ability of intervening on internal procedures and on methods of reporting to the executive office and efficiently manage the development of the client firm
• The ability to assist the client on extraordinary operations and development of the firm
• The ability to communicate the company’s messages to the outside markets


Cluster SRL boasts of a team of highly qualified operators in the media and communication sector on both national and international territory, specialized in the design and implementation of:

• Film productions
• TV broadcast
• Web
• Advertising campaigns
• Press
• Events


Cluster SRL boasts of a consolidated position and experience in the demilitarization sector, thus being able to fully provide a wide range of consultancy in the various categories:

• Demilitarization
• Demilitarization with Cryofracture
• Explosives and Propellants Thermo-destruction
• Disposal of Air Bag and Inflator
• Signal rocket disposal
• Site and Land Remediation
• Explosives for civil use
• Transportation
parallax background


• Market researches, analysis
• Pre-feasibility and feasibility studies
• Pricing analysis
• Fiscal, monetary and technical information
• Contractual consultancy
• Foreign partners and clients research
• Importers and distributors research
• B2B and B2C
• Commercial and distribution network set up
• Export management activities
• Location scouting, venues, land and industrial facilities
• Onsite research and pre-selection of managerial, administrative and technical personnel
Cluster srl
Viale Cappuccini 3
66034 Lanciano (Ch)
P.IVA/C.F. 02782850693
Pec [email protected]
+39 339 8202260

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